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Lupin moneycontrol

Time period generally considered is 14 days. It is a lagging indicator that is, a trend must have established itself before the ADX will generate a signal.

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It does not provide any indication of price trend.

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If the value is less than equal to its 9 SMA it is considered to be Less Volatile. If the value is greater than its 9 SMA it considered to be Highly Volatile. It is a volatility indicator which indicates the degree of price volatility at an absolute level compared with its 9 SMA. Conversely, a very low MFI reading that climbs above a reading of 20 while the underlying security continues to sell off is a reversal signal to the upside. Very high MFI that begins to fall below a reading of 80 while the underlying security continues to climb is a reversal signal to the downside. MFI considers both price & volume to measure buying and selling pressure. It is a momentum indicator that measures the flow of money into and out of a security. Readings between 0 and -20 imply an overbought condition, readings between -20 to -50 implies bulish condition, readings between -50 to -80 implies bearish condition and readings between -80 to -100 imply oversold position. Its purpose is to tell whether a stock is trading near the high or the low, or somewhere in between of its recent trading range. It is a momentum indicator which indicates the current closing price of the stock in relation to its high & low of the past 14 days. CCI between 50 & 200 implies bullish condition. CCI between -50 & 50 implies neutral condition. CCI between -200 & -50 implies a bearish condition. Readings above 200 imply an overbought condition, while readings below −200 imply an oversold condition. Normal oscillations will occur within the range of +200 and −200. The CCI typically oscillates above and below a zero line, above zero line it enters into positive territory & below zero into negative territory. Time period generally considered is 20 days.CCI is relatively high when prices are far above their average & relatively low when prices are far below their average. It gives an indication of trend change & also the momentum within the trend. Value equal to 0 indicates Neutral condition. Value below 0 indicates Bearish condition. Value above 0 indicates Bullish condition. The ROC is plotted against a zero line that differentiates positive and negative values. Time period generally considered is 20 days. It is a momentum oscillator that takes the current price and compares it to a price "n" periods ago.

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Readings between 45 & 55 indicate Neutral condition.Readings between 20 & 45 indicate Bearish condition.Readings below 20 indicate a security is oversold. Readings between 55 & 80 indicate Bullish condition. Readings above 80 indicate a security is overbought. It shows the location of the close relative to the high-low range over a set number of periods. If the MACD is below 0 and crosses below the signal line it is considered to be a bearish signal. If the MACD is above 0 and crosses above the signal line it is considered to be a bullish signal.

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The 26 day EMA subtracted from the 12 day EMA alongwith the 9 day EMA which is the "signal line", together give buy/sell signals. For calculation three moving averages are taken which are 9 day EMA, 12 day EMA & 26 day EMA. Stands for Moving Average Convergence Divergence.It is a trend following momentum indicator. RSI reading greater than 75 is interpreted as an overbought. RSI between 45 & 55 is interpreted as a neutral condition.RSI between 55 & 75 is interpreted as a bullish condition. RSI between 25 & 45 is interpreted as a bearish condition. RSI reading below 25 is interpreted as oversold. It is a momentum indicator used to identify overbought or oversold condition in the stock.Time period generally considered is 14 days. PhonePe Beat of Progress Powered by Moneycontrol Unlocking opportunities in Metal and Mining

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